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Bruin Movie Night: Straight on ‘Til Morning 💫
Bruin Movie Night: Straight on ‘Til Morning 💫

Bruin Movie Night: Straight on ‘Til Morning 💫

An extension of our Bruin Movie Nights, join us for more feature presentations under the stars! The Disney Club’s event for the IRL 11k competition proposes a drive-in or outdoor theater at Sunset Recreation Plaza to celebrate Disney animation!

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Location is TBD

About The Event

If the quarantine restrictions are lifted, we’d like to have this be a screening + campout and after the film, we sleep under the stars! Come in costume and pajamas, or your favorite Disney attire! Ideally, we foresee this event lasting at least one night, and showing two movies in succession, and at most lasting a weekend! Movies would be themed around space and the stars, for example, Peter Pan, Treasure Planet, Wall-E, etc. and culminate with Tangled so that we could set off our very own floating lanterns! Hopefully, complimentary concessions and IRL swag would be provided, with additional merchandise for the Disney Club available for purchase. THIS EVENT HAS NOT YET BEEN APPROVED AND IS NOT SPONSORED BY, OR AFFILIATED WITH, SOLE AND/OR THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES! Details are subject to change. By signing up for this event, you cast your vote for it to be funded by IRL, and follow it for updates on its future, thank you! °o°

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