We're so glad you've decided to submit a blog with us! Please follow these rules and guidelines so that we can get your post up as soon as possible! Email us with any questions at thedisneyclubatucla@gmail.com !

What kind of content do you accept?
All Disney Club at UCLA General Members and Officers are eligible to write posts for the Club blog as long as their topic is Disney-adjacent or affiliated. All writing must be your original work! Blog posts can be editorials, short essays (including op-eds), creative writing, etc.
General guidelines
No minimum length, but we recommend about 500 words for decent depth and detail. Try to keep your posting between 1-3 pages at most (1 page = about 500 words)! If you're really passionate about a topic, consider making multiple submissions so that they're each brief and easy to read.
Write in a voice/tone that’s less formal, more approachable.
Your audience is college level students, but assume that older adults or children may stumble upon this website.
Accompanying image is optional (we’ll include one if you don’t). If you wish to provide an image to go with your blog post, it should be attributed (provide image source URL), at least 200×200 pixels, JPG or PNG format. They can also contain other visual materials such as art, sound, or video, though if these are not the author's original creative property, please utilize appropriate credit and/or licensing.
Common sense guidelines
Make sure to write clearly, and use short paragraphs, subheadings, and/or bullet lists to break up your article.
Explain concepts which may not be familiar to all readers (even if it's just an external link to another page or article), and use reliable sources for any facts or information you cite. Attribute any quoted/paraphrased info with links to the sources.
Try to avoid writing within the first person (I, me, my) unless writing a travel report, op-ed, or other type of personal guide.
Double check your work or run it through an AI for clarity, style, and grammar. Our Board reserves the right to edit your article, including grammar, spelling, and formatting.
Recognize that we are legally liable for anything you write or present online. Submissions are not allowed to use inappropriate commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or prejudiced towards any specific group of minorities. The Club also will not accept personal attacks of specific Members, Officers, etc.
Spelling and Grammar Guidelines
Use a single space after a period.
For numbers, spell out numbers one through nine; use numerals for 10 and up
Always use serial commas (Oxford commas) in lists. “I went to the store and bought apples, oranges, and pears.” NOT “I went to the store and bought apples, oranges and pears.”
Contractions are preferable (“It’s important to practice often” vs. “It is important to practice…”)
Media usage: Capitalize and use quotation marks around the titles of books, songs, television shows, computer games, poems, lectures, speeches and works of art.
Author bio guidelines
Recommended length is 50-75 words.
You can include 1-2 links in the byline, which will be displayed at the bottom of the post. (ie, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, blog)
(Optional) Include a clear, closeup image of yourself, at least 100×100 pixels, JPG or PNG format. This can be a photo on campus or at the Disney properties/in Disney regalia if you like!
Submission guidelines
Share your blog post to thedisneyclubatucla@gmail.com with “guest post for Disney Club blog” in the Subject line. Please include the post in the body of the email itself, as an editable Google Doc link so that we can comment/leave suggestions. Your images can be attachments or links, and your bio can go in the Body.
It may take up to two weeks before we respond to you. If for any reason we decide not to post your submission, we will explain why and encourage you to resubmit!